Understanding Generation 2 liquid mycelium products

Understanding Generation 2 liquid mycelium products: needles, syringes and injection ports First, before we dive into the practical applications of liquid mycelium products, let’s ask ourselves the following questions: “What is liquid spawn – liquid mycelium?” and “Why and when would you choose liquid mycelium instead of solid mycelium”? Both very relevant and important questions.  […]

The truth about Chaga Mushrooms: do they actually kill their host tree?

Chaga Mushroom prefer Birch tree

Fact or myth? When you search the internet for a conclusive answer to your question whether or not Chaga  Mushrooms (also called “Inonotus obliquus” in Latin) kill their host tree, do you ever find yourself getting lost in the overload of (mis)information? Well, I’m here to help you out. Because a lot of the information about Chaga mushroom […]