M2183 Karabella

All prices on this website are EX WORKS = VAT and transport cost are not included. More information see below.

This highly productive Sporeless Oyster Mushroom strain is a descendent from a highly productive Oyster Mushroom strain and from a naturally sporeless strain and was bread by Wageningen University and Research.

The strain yields beautiful light grey mushrooms in abundant clusters. Tear-resistant and firm with a meaty texture provides a true gourmet experience.


– This strain is only available in the form of Stage 4 spawn

– This spawn can only be used to inoculate substrate. It is a protected strain, worldwide. Any form of copying is illegal.

– Mycelia is not the owner of this strain, but we have an exclusive agreement which we share with Ecovative (NL). For each spawn bag sold, we pay a royalty to the University of Wageningen and Research. This royalty is included in the below prices. There are no other added extra costs.

EN: Winter Oyster Mushroom I FR: Pleurote d’hiver I DE: Austernseitling I NL: Winteroesterzwam I ES: Seta de Ostra I PT: Cogumelo Ostra I HU: Kései laskagomba

Stage 1 mother culture

– tube
– petri dish
– cryovial

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 2

Stage 2 mother spawn

– syringe (15 ml)
– syringe (500 ml)
– bag (1000 ml)

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 3

Stage 3 Inoculum

– bag (5000 ml on grains)

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 4

Stage 4 spawn

– 50GR, 1L, 5L and 10L bag
– wood dowels 50, 500 and 1000 pcs
– syringes

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 5
– Final product: biocontrol / biostimulants / Cordyceps substrate

Stage 5 substrate /Mycomaterials

We do not sell substrate or mycomaterials.

Stage 6 mushrooms

We do not sell mushrooms.