M7218 Agaricus bisporus, var. bisporus

excellent, medium-size mushroom strain
ability to produce larger as well as smaller mushrooms
very good quality for the fresh market

All prices on this website are EX WORKS = VAT and transport cost are not included. More information see below.

Versatile strain, very popular strain type worldwide. It also has the ability to produce both high-density medium and larger sized fruitbodies and maintains high yields in both cases, even though picking is easier when the fruitbodies are grown to medium size. The caps of this Agaricus bisporus strain are smooth and rounded.

EN: White Button Mushroom I FR: Champignon de Paris I DE: Zuchtchampignon I NL: Witte Champignon I ES: Champiñón de París I PT: Cogumelo de Paris  I HU: Kétspórás csiperke

Stage 1 mother culture

– tube
– petri dish
– cryovial

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 2

Stage 2 mother spawn

– syringe (15 ml)
– syringe (500 ml)
– bag (1000 ml)

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 3

Stage 3 Inoculum

– bag (5000 ml on grains)

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 4

Stage 4 spawn

– 50GR, 1L, 5L and 10L bag
– wood dowels 50, 500 and 1000 pcs
– syringes

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 5
– Final product: biocontrol / biostimulants / Cordyceps substrate

Stage 5 substrate /Mycomaterials

We do not sell substrate or mycomaterials.

Stage 6 mushrooms

We do not sell mushrooms.