M4190 Pholiota nameko

tasty mushroom
decorative fruit bodies

All prices on this website are EX WORKS = VAT and transport cost are not included. More information see below.

These pleasantly growing mushrooms are very popular in Japan, in the first place because of the combination of decorative and tasty properties. The fulminating orange, viscose caps of 2 to 5 cm diameter sit on a beige stem of 0,8 to 1 cm diameter. Easy to grow on hardwood rests, but requiring a high air humidity.

EN: Nameko I FR: Naméko I DE: Nameko I NL: Nameko I ES: Nameko I PT: Nameko I HU: Nameko tőkegomba

Stage 1 mother culture

– tube
– petri dish
– cryovial

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 2

Stage 2 mother spawn

– syringe (15 ml)
– syringe (500 ml)
– bag (1000 ml)

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 3

Stage 3 Inoculum

– bag (5000 ml on grains)

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 4

Stage 4 spawn

– 50GR, 1L, 5L and 10L bag
– wood dowels 50, 500 and 1000 pcs
– syringes

– Use this product to produce your STAGE 5
– Final product: biocontrol / biostimulants / Cordyceps substrate

Stage 5 substrate /Mycomaterials

We do not sell substrate or mycomaterials.

Stage 6 mushrooms

We do not sell mushrooms.